1999, Harry N. Abrams
Available at Amazon.com .
Signed copies are available through the photographer.
Nearly 120 gardens of every style and type are pictured and described in this first book on the subject of New York City’s public and private gardens. Botanical gardens, community gardens, courtyard gardens, dining terraces, office and museum gardens are all depicted in 220 color photographs by Betsy Pinover Schiff. The text by Mary Jane Pool, former Editor-in-Chief of House & Garden magazine, offers ideas for gardeners everywhere and secrets of some of America’s finest landscape designers and horticulturists. There is an introduction by David Rockefeller and a useful map that shows the location of all the gardens that can be visited.
“This book is truly a revelation. Who knew until Mary Jane Pool and Betsy Pinover Schiff revealed it to us, that there were so many varied and significant gardens in New York City? ‘Gardens in the City’ is a celebration of our garden heritage and tradition in New York City. There’s never been such a compilation in our history, and now that we can see that tradition so clearly, we are proud of it indeed.”
…...Gregory Long, President, The New York Botanical Garden
“Betsy’s photographs really knocked me over, because they really show gardens in the context of a great metropolis…. It’s really the first time that the public and the private gardens of New York have been shown—photographed in this spectacular way by Betsy Pinover Schiff and written about by Mary Jane Pool—in such an engaging way that even if you don’t go there you feel as if you have been there.”
.......Paul Gottleib, former Publisher, Harry N. Abrams
House Beautiful
Avenue Magazine